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World Philosophy Day
Every year on November 19, World Philosophy Day is observed across the globe to..

by Sukanya Prabhakar / 19 Nov 2020 16:50 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 762

Every year on November 19, World Philosophy Day is observed across the globe to promote philosophical analysis, studies, and research on major contemporary issues.

Philosophy, derived from the Greek word 'philosophia' meaning 'the love of wisdom', is the study of the description of reality, of what is feasible to know, and the knowledge of conduct and is also considered one of the most important domain of human thoughts.

The Day was introduced by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in 2002 and in 2005, the day was proclaimed by UNESCO General Conference to be celebrated every 3rd Thursday of the November month. The objective of the day to raise awareness regarding the importance of philosophy and its use for many societies, to evaluate the condition of philoso[hy study across the world, to renew the subregional, regional, national, and international commitment to philosophy, and to highlight the significance of promoting the study of philosophy for upcoming generations.

The Day also motivates academic exchange and underlines the contribution of philosophical knowledge to address global affairs.

As stated by the UN - "The 2020 edition invites the world to reflect on the meaning of the current pandemic, underlining the need, more than ever before, to resort to philosophical reflection in order to face the multiple crises we are going through".

To know more about the day, the link is given: https://www.un.org/en/observances/philosophy-day.

Source: United Nations.

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