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Can Monkeypox Become a New Problem For Students?
Human life has become so unpredictable over the past three years that anything that happens in this world would somehow affect us first. But, as if, these were not enough to create turbulence in our lives, we now have a new problem to face- Monkeypox. Monkeypox is not just an infection, disease, or virus, it is the worst nightmare that will dissemble student life.

by Pragti Sharma / 05 Aug 2022 20:42 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 396

The past two years- 2020, 2021, and even 2022 have been a roller coaster for all of us. In 2020 everybody suffered and tolerated those challenging times due to Covid-19 and now the Russia-Ukraine war. Human life has become so unpredictable over the past three years that anything that happens in this world would somehow affect us first. But, as if, these were not enough to create turbulence in our lives, we now have a new problem to face- Monkeypox.

These challenges like Covid-19 and war have impacted every person's life in some way, but the most affected are students. Students have been the victims continuously- first, they had to go through a pandemic, lockdown, and online classes, and now some of them are still suffering due to war. Monkeypox is spreading rapidly, just as Covid-19 did, and people continue to make the same mistakes again. If monkeypox starts spreading rapidly, student life would again turn into a rollercoaster ride full of challenges.

What is Monkeypox? What are its symptoms?

According to World Health Organisation, Monkeypox is a viral transmitted to humans from animals with similar symptoms to those seen in the past in smallpox patients, even though it is clinically less awful. With the elimination of smallpox in 1980 and the upcoming demise of small vaccination, monkeypox has appeared as the foremost orthopoxvirus for public health.

Monkeypox mainly occurs in the west and central Africa, mostly in immediacy to tropical rainforests, and has been progressively emerging in urban areas as well. These types of viruses are mainly caused due to a range of rodents and non-human primates such as rats, squirrels, apes, gorillas, etc.

Symptoms of Monkeypox

The most common symptoms of monkeypox include:

  • Headache

  • Exhaustion

  • Chills

  • Fever

  • Backache or muscle ache

  • Swollen lymph nodes

  • Rashes: A rash may be located on or near the genitals or anus but could also be on other areas like feet, chest, face, hands, or mouth. These rashes can go through various stages, including scabs, before healing. Rashes can look like blisters or pimples and may be itchy or painful in some cases.

  • Respiratory: Nasal congestion, cough, or sore throat

People may experience all or only a few symptoms of the virus. The symptoms usually start within three weeks of orientation to the virus. The illness of monkeypox generally lasts 2-4 weeks.

Getting back to the point, we saw how dangerous monkeypox is and how fast it can spread to people around us and even us. And because of these problematic viruses and disputes between countries, students have faced many obstacles, and the fun of being a student is not fun anymore. What will be the results if the monkeypox virus gets worse?

How can monkeypox affect student life?

Students planning to study abroad

Considering the times of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war (which is still going on), if the monkeypox gets worse in the same way, countries will definitely choose to close borders again, and students planning to study abroad will suffer, especially those who do not have any alternate plans. If we lose control over a virus like a monkeypox, the dreams and expectations of millions of students will be destroyed.

Online classes (AGAIN)

Student life is the most nourishing period in every student's life where you explore and understand the world, and what if students don't get this life to experience due to monkeypox? It will again force students to study online. What type of study is that, where there is zero personal interaction with friends or teachers, no sharing of food, a study where there is no practical but only theory? No matter how hard we try to teach or learn online, school closures will anyway simulate student life in some way and can even affect mentally in a few cases.

Quality of education

Unfortunately, despite best efforts to set up a supportive learning experience, school and college closures will result in learning losses and directly affect the quality of education. Some parents have less education and are totally dependent on schools. On the other hand, teachers have their households to handle. The activities conducted for the growth and development of a child or a student will be decreased. Government school students who belong to poor backgrounds may not have access to the internet and mobile phones. All these disturbing factors lead to diminishing the quality of education.

A double disadvantage for younger students

Younger students (in the age group of 3-10 years) have minor access to age-appropriate remote learning and will be comparatively more affected by learning loss than older students. Younger children at a central stage for learning and blossoming will face a double disadvantage as they are often left out of remote learning and school reopening plans.

Students who belong to minorities

Students with mobile phones and internet availability will somehow manage to learn online, but what about the students from low-income households? Monkeypox will negatively affect the lives of students with disabilities or who have limited access to electricity, devices, and technologies and those who belong to minorities.

Monkeypox will not only affect student life but will also negatively impact the future of the world. So, Yes, the monkeypox virus can become a new problem for students. In order to not experience the problems mentioned above and save the student life, each of us needs to take proper precautions this time, and educational institutes or organizations will have to stay prepared for this troublesome situation and design a framework to increase learning efficiency.

Monkeypox is not just an infection, disease, or virus, it is the worst nightmare that will dissemble student life. Our youth who are currently in colleges, pursuing higher education, and even younger children are the future of this world, and due to some reason, if they are unable to seek appropriate education, the future of this world will suffer as well.

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