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The Indian students ranked 73rd among 74 countries in the international PISA test of Reading, Science and Arithmetic..

by / 17 Apr 2020 11:21 AM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 6111

The Indian students ranked 73rd among 74 countries in the international PISA test of Reading, Science and Arithmetic. PISA means Programme for International Student Assessment. It is a governmental economic organization with 36 member countries. It conducts a test evaluating 15 years old learners, members and non-members countries. It is an initiative by an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). It is a study to produce comparable data on education policy and outcomes. The study began in the year of 2000. The test is conducted every 3 years and the next test is going to be held in 2021. This test is set by educational experts from across the world.

This test does not evaluate students on their memory but it attempts to assess whether the students can apply the knowledge they have gained through primary and secondary education. This test includes subjects like Mathematics, Science and Reading Comprehension. In the year 2015, an optional subject was added to the test on innovative subjects like Problem Solving and Financial Literacy.

The aim of the test is not to rank the country but to give a comprehensive analysis of the education system and how they are working in terms of preparing students for higher education and employment. After the results are collected across the world, experts translate them into data points and these points are evaluated to score the nations. Anyone can test these tests. There are no rules and regulations for this test.

When countries score well, it indicates not only it has an effective education but also has an exclusive one where privilege and underprivileged students perform equally well. This test does not have any syllabus. So, it becomes quite difficult for students to fully prepare themselves. However, sample papers have been released by the administration for the preparation of this test. PISA requires learning and out of the box thinking.

- Programme for International Student Assessment

  • Abbreviation - PISA

  • Formation - 1997

  • Purpose - To compare education fulfillment across the world

  • Headquarters - OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)

  • Region served - World

  • Membership - 79 government education departments

  • Official language - English and French

  • Pisa test was first taken in 2000 and then repeated after every three years.

  • Aim - To provide comparable data to enable different countries to improve their education policies and outcomes.

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