Home / Climate Change Not Sufficiently Integrated Into Countries' Education Framework: UNESCO Report

Climate Change Not Sufficiently Integrated Into Countries' Education Framework: UNESCO Report
According to the GEM (Global Education Monitoring) reported by UNESCO, only 50% of the countries around the globe emphasize the subjects...

by Sukanya Prabhakar / 15 Nov 2021 16:42 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 309

According to the GEM (Global Education Monitoring) reported by UNESCO, only 50% of the countries around the globe emphasize the subjects about their national-level laws, their policies, or teaching plans. Studies related to climatic changes are yet not sufficiently integrated into the education system.

PEER (Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews) is published by the GEM team in the backdrop of the United Nations Change Conference underway in Glasgow. It is aimed at describing policies and laws of the countries on key themes in the education system so as to improve the evidence-based on implementing national educational strategies.

UNESCO Report stated that the critical tool to help the population make aware about climatic changes is through Education. Through education, individuals can be encouraged to change their behaviour and attitude towards nature, that is to support a more sustainable lifestyle and also develop new knowledge and skills about it. With the help of Climate Change Education, the flexibility of vulnerable groups and communities with mitigation and adaptation strategies can be enhanced especially in low-income countries.

Statistics From the UNESCO Report

As per the report, only 75% of the countries in the whole world cover climate change subjects in their national curriculum while there are 40% of the countries which have educational laws that cover climatic change. Also, there are 45% of the countries that include climate change as a subject in their education sector plans and strategies.

In 90% of countries, references related to climatic change are mainly found at the secondary and primary levels of the education system. There are fewer countries that support climate change education in TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training System), 70% in higher education and 55% in teacher training education.

Changes made by Italy, Indonesia, Colombia

In the UNESCO Report, many countries are listed that stand out in the progress made in climate change education. In Italy, climate change education is now included in the academic curriculum.

And also students are encouraged by the schools to assume ecological behaviours sustainably and personal choices. From 2020, across Italian schools, climate education became compulsory as part of civics education.

To make students more aware and responsible about climate change, Indonesia has also updated its National Curriculum Framework in 2013. That includes climate as an essential and main part of activities including knowledge, skills, and aptitudes.

The report also stated that the Ministry of Education and Culture organized climate change events such as the regular Climate Change Education Forum and Expo. It focuses on education topics related to the changes of climate and provides networking for educators and schools.

Colombia has also assigned an important role to its Ministry of Education in CCE (Climate Change Education). It has adopted a strong policy and legal structure on this issue. In 2017, Colombia had adopted a National Climate Change Policy. This policy sets out 5 frameworks addressing the information dissemination on education, science and technology, training & public awareness and climatic change management planning and financing. This National Climate Change Policy includes objectives to mainstream climatic changes into the formal education system of the country.

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