Home / How AR, VI, and AI Technology Is Making Education More Accessible Post-Pandemic. To know, browse here!

How AR, VI, and AI Technology Is Making Education More Accessible Post-Pandemic. To know, browse here!
Today, we all are surrounded by a dangerous disease that has been spread all over the world i.e. Covid-19. Every small child...

by Himani Verma / 01 Feb 2021 18:19 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 406

Education System In Post-Pandemic World

Today, we all are surrounded by a dangerous disease that has been spread all over the world i.e. Covid-19. Every small child knows about it. Pandemic means the diseases which are spread all over the world altogether. Corona is a pandemic disease in recent times. In past years also there were many pandemic diseases that affected the lifestyle of people and even the education system. But the Covid-19 has made the dangerous situation in the world. As a result, the government working all over the world of different countries has declared the lockdown. This means no people should move out of the houses in the declared particular time interval.

Due to the increasing pandemic situation globally, people are not allowed to move out of the house. So, this time also the education system has affected and people are not able to provide better learning to their child. However, there are techniques that still working amazingly in letting the students grabbing knowledge and learn in this pandemic time. AR, VI and AI technologies are proved to be a boon for the same. Let us have a look at how different technologies are affecting the education system post-covid time.

AR Technology

AR means the augmented reality. Originally this technology was developed in 2016. But at that time, it was not used much. But in the post-pandemic situation, it is proved very supportive.

How To Operate It?

It is straightforward to get operated. You only need the particular AR supporting app to download on your android device. This technology helps you to combine imagination and the real world.

How Does AR Technology Help In Education In The Post-Pandemic Situation?

AR technology helps to make the things really that you imagine. It is used to make real videos for education. Children can quickly learn and follow the topic explained to them, by seeing such type of the videos, children memories it.

We have searched some of the apps which work best for the use of AR. If you want, then you can easily download it from the Google play store.

  • Inkhunter

  • BBC Civilization

  • Display Land

  • Sketch AR

  • Walla Me

There is much probability for these apps to be used for further development.

We will need this kind of apps most for the educational fields.

VR Technology

VR is virtual reality. If we even talk generally for any situation. We start to imagine the situation. This technology is also totally based on the virtual world.

How To Operate It?

This app depends upon the creativity and the design of the person using it. You can make the most creative video ever and explore the imagination you have with other persons.

How is VR technology useful for the education purpose?

As in this pandemic situation, the students are not able to go for their studies. You can make the video for the particular topic you want. Especially this technology is useful for the subject Biology. You can make the videos well and good for the topics like the inner body parts, fertilization process, and much more.

Some of the apps make the VR technology better on the device which you use.

  • VR Player App

  • Jaunt VR App

  • Sites in VR App

  • Deep Space in VR App

  • Hardcode VR App

In the future, this app would be one of those like the Google play store. Everyone will have this type of VR technology supporting app in their smart device.

AI Technology:

AI means Artificial intelligence. This technology is related to the intelligence of the human brain to create animation and videos.

How To Operate It?

It goes to the extent that you take it. This technology development has proved the intelligence and enhancement of the human brain. People need such a kind of technology to explain their projects very quickly and deeply.

It ought to be the technology to be the best innovation of the human being.

To operate it is a straightforward task. Make the creation on the particular topic. You can use it easily with the options and customize the video as per your need.

How To Use AI Technology In Education?

Creativity is not only used in the projects works for the business purpose but also the educational work. It helps for the video making for the various subjects. Not only for the video making purpose, but many more uses are described in my article.

In this post-pandemic situation, you can make the live classes by projecting it with the projector's help on the whiteboards.

By making the technology usage, the person needs to be very careful as it also requires many other accessories to be installed.

Children will show more interest if the education becomes like this with the help of technology.

If you want to use AI technology for any purpose, then scroll down below to find some of the app providing it.

  • Socratic Artificial Intelligence Program

  • Alexa Artificial Intelligence Program

  • Cortona AI App

  • Google Assistance

  • Siri AI App

These are some of the best well-marketed apps, which is made giving priority to AI technology.

This technology will indeed have a great place in the life of the people.

It is a boon for the students studying in the post-pandemic situation to solve their problems visually.


All the technology mentioned in this article is mainly made for the educational fields. It will help the learner to create more of the kind of visualization. Visualization makes the memories sharper. In return, it will help the students to memories a particular topic faster. In this post-pandemic situation, everyone is suffering a lot. But if we have to learn to cooperate with this Covid-19 virus and make our life back to normal. Use the mask whenever you go out of the house and stay safe.

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