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How Extra-curricular Activities are Important in Teaching Life Skills
Here's a list of some essential skills to explore and gain outside the confines of academic knowledge: Build social skills and create social contacts, imprint life lessons......

by Pragti Sharma / 06 Dec 2022 17:37 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 684

Academic and Non-Academic play an equal in an individual's life. Knowledge is not only about bookish or encyclopedic knowledge. Learning is a part of life at every stage, whether you are a five-year-old learning to master the basics of judo karate or a fifty-year-old looking to learn meditation and yoga. When it comes to learning new skills and activities, there is no age barrier. Extra-curricular activities help everyone learn about unique skills and utilize this knowledge and skills in diverse contexts.

Extra-curricular activities are always beneficial and play a significant role in our day-to-day lives. It polishes your personality and develops new skills, experiences, and personal qualities. Here are some long-lasting benefits of extra-curricular activities. Extra-curricular activities provide endless possibilities to explore outside the confines of traditional education.

Here's a list of some essential skills to explore and gain outside the confines of academic knowledge.

Build social skills and create social contacts

Indulging in extra-curricular activities allows us to bond with many others sharing similar interests. These activities also include interacting with different people from various backgrounds and developing friendships that last a lifetime. By interacting with people, you formulate excellent communication skills. Communication is a vital asset in life. Knowing your powers and imperfections allows you to improve yourself. It also helps in the growth of self-confidence.

Imprint life lessons

Practicing a particular sport for hours or learning to play an instrument is usually regarded as a mere hobby, but they plan personality traits and skills which help them across all stages of life. These activities help in understanding and developing their personality, making it more uncomplicated for one to adjust to varied situations in life.

Self-esteem and increased confidence

When one starts to function well in activities apart from education and work – it positively influences our self-esteem. For example, if you win a game of chess, which is an extra-curricular activity, you take it as a result of your hard effort, and this will trickle down to all other elements of your life.

Time management

Despite having a hectic schedule, you do something you enjoy helps you manage your time better. Making time for your passion and indulging in an activity of preference, be it sports, arts, gardening, music, etc., will help enhance time management skills and be more efficient as a working professional.


Every individual can do all the work alone but working with a team is not everyone's cup of tea. Being able to work with others is a vital life skill. Being a team player is frequently acquired if one is a part of a sports team or any activity having more than two individuals. One gains an understanding of how to respect the feelings of others and sometimes adjust according to their situations.

It is appropriate to encourage children to participate in extra-curricular activities. As mentioned above, extra-curricular activities are not limited to just children- one can go for a new hobby or skill at any age. As a result of extra-curricular activities, you construct long-lasting friendships and contacts, meet people from various environments and gain valuable skills such as communication, organisation or managerial skills, problem-solving, time management, and teamworking.

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