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How Important Are Learning Fundamentals & Mastering High-Tech Fields?
With the onset of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, schools and colleges have come to a halt for an indefinite period...

by Himani Verma / 08 May 2021 13:08 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 356

With the onset of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, schools and colleges have come to a halt for an indefinite period. Education has seen a backseat in these challenging times. Surviving has become the main agenda for people now than gaining or imparting education. Students from all over the world had to change their regular academic patterns. They had to adapt to the new standard way of teaching, which is through online classes. This change has been huge for students as it is the first time they are being taught beyond their classrooms.

The Online Mode of Teaching and Learning:

Students had to adapt to the new online mode of learning. There are many pros and cons of this new mode, but this is not the time to find faults but accept whatever changes the pandemic brings along with it. We are all bound to get this new mode of teaching, whatever its cons are.

The online method of education has affected Indian students on a large scale as India is a developing country and is still growing in its technological aspects. Many students do not have internet connectivity or devices to which the internet can be connected. There are many rural areas still where the network is a myth. Students from those areas are being preyed on the situation. Though, the online mode of teaching has opened up learning to a broader spectrum of students. Students who can access the internet can sit at home and learn from different courses at a time. Knowledge is readily available now with the help of technology.

The Plight of Students Studying Abroad:

During the pandemic, the nationwide lockdown has led to many small shops and businesses shut down, forcing many students to drop out of their schools and colleges. As the daily wages of the low-income families had stopped coming, they had to choose between food and education and eventually become dropouts. Education has now become an expensive affair available only to the privileged classes. Not everyone can afford online education.

Indian Students Studying Abroad:

Indian students studying abroad are also facing many problems as housing expenses have increased due to Covid-19 restrictions. The colleges and universities are trying to do their best to look after the housing needs of the international students, but their government and rules also bind them. The student community faces a lot of anxiety for the drastic change in their daily life, their schedules, and their academic plans.

Stipend or Scholarship Students:

Students studying in colleges of foreign countries with scholarships and having to return to their homes for the pandemic are not receiving any scholarships as it is only for students on-campus. Unless the student is on campus and attending classes from there, his or her scholarship or stipend is not valid. We could say the privileged students are also losing out on a lot. These Indian students studying in the US have an uncertain career as the US government is not issuing visas to students now, so when they can resume their studies, it is still a matter of debate.

Is Online Education Efficient?

Pupil engagement and educational integrity is somewhere missing in the new video conferencing system of education. Zoom and other teaching applications are comparably less efficient than in-person instructions. Analysts and professors say that for the progress and vitality of US educational establishments, the universities and colleges worldwide are essential and should progress. Online classes are in no way a replacement for physical classes. The students are missing out on campus life drastically. Online mode of learning and examination is just for the sake of it. Students don't learn anything, and exams are in open-book format.

Final words:

Post-pandemic effects on the education system will hopefully not see a fall in the US as the pandemic will not affect the US's financial and economic state. Seeking professional alternatives will be rampant as the demand in the medical field will be high. Skilled pharmaceutical workers will be assets as health will always be a necessary field in the economy. Students should choose their profession wisely as jobs with the help of heavy credentials are on their way out. Skill-based experience is what will gain you more attention and admiration. Thus learning fundamentals and mastery of high-tech fields is what requires students' focus now.

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