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How the independent education sector is a major source of employment in India
It is irrefutable to say that educational institutions play a mandatory role in the development of a child, society, and the...

by Megha Sangha / 04 Dec 2020 13:28 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 611

It is irrefutable to say that educational institutions play a mandatory role in the development of a child, society, and the world. It has always been found that the countries with the highest economies are holistically supported by education systems.During the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, 1.6 billion adolescents in 161 countries stayed out of schools from March 28, 2020 and this frequency is nearly to 80 percent of the world’s total students admitted in schools. Education is going through a great transformation as manifold educational institutions and training centers are shifting towards the online teaching, learning and training to alleviate the deleterious effect of coronavirus on the realm of education.

Just like the other countries, in India too, schools had no any option except to shut down their buildings for the betterment of scholars and educators. Also to ameliorate the poor conditions arrived because of the pandemic. The closure have a great impact as nobody knows how long it could last and also it happened in the starting of the academic year.

To add up, the ILO report demonstrate that coronavirus pandemic could put a detrimental effect on a global economic crisis and destroy up to 195 million jobs around the world if the higher authority do not take prompt action regarding this impact. With this crisis, not merely the health of millions of individuals are at risk but work has also being affected.

In addition to this, it is predicted that there are more than 3.03 lakh unaided private schools in the country, which provides direct employment to nearly 3 crore individuals which includes teaching, non-teaching and support staff. Such kind of aid provide livelihood to 12-15 crore citizens of the country that makes education one of the top 5 employment providers in the country.

The shut down of school buildings lead to oodles of educational institutions to shift to online teaching. Interestingly, during this situation the educators and the learners act wonderfully. As the trainers make sure that there can be no disruption in the education of the scholars. They spend much of their time to plan, learn, adapt, and deliver online classes. Not only this, they continued their work even they did not get their remunerations.

Furthermore, the school management and the Minister of Education reckon that it is mandatory to maintain the interest of learners in their studies in these struggling days so that when they return to their colleges or Univesities then they would not face any kind of obstacle. Moreover, students will get the same kind of study as they were getting at the time of prior the lockdown.

With the same motive, schools also maintain their faculty members to protect the livelihood of the individuals. Simultaneously, the denizens have to face an economical challenges as well due to the pandemic. Apart from it, the school members have to work for extra time to manifest the online classes to the learners. These kind of situations create a confusion between the parent community and the school members to manage the operations in an effective manner. Because apart from the scholar’s fees, the unaided private schools do not have any another way of revenue.

It is predicted that in India, approximately 64.3 percent of the colleges are not getting any kind of aid. A significant portion of the private colleges in India are merely organized with or without getting financial or non – financial aid from the higher authority. Moreover, there unaided Private Colleges or Institutions in the nation manifest the numerous employment opportunities to the dwellers that include teaching, non-teaching, and support staff. Ergo, this transformation leads to education one of the top 5 employment providers in the country.

The Examination and grading method of Modern Technology will help the educators from the burden of paper evaluation, assessment, markings, etc. With this concept, the trainers will be able to pay more attention to relevant tasks like new teaching pedagogies, course improvement, aptitude development, curriculum innovation, etc.

It is unequivocally to say that the educators are fully responsible for bringing the strength of the nation as they have future of the country in their hands. Teaching is the merely profession that holds every other profession in the world. In India, people are fully blessed with one of the richest culture in the globe that is “Guru Devo Bhava”. It means our Gurus are next to God.

Scrutinizing Further, today’s adolescents would become tomorrow’s leaders, educators and have the ability to put a positive impact on society. It is quite crucial to bring back the respect for our Gurus as our future literally depends on it!


Due to the detrimental effect of the pandemic, now people will always being prepared for an unpredictable future in terms of knowledge, skills, problem-solving, creative thinking, technology, and collaboration. The huge spread of Covid-19 has unequivocally illustrated the importance of technology. However, simultaneously it has shown the ability to face oodles of threats. To recapitulate, there is no deny to say that the thriving rate of population will create a large number of job opportunities in the country and hence will become a major source of employment in India.

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