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How To Implement Effective Learning Standards In Indian Education System?
Education in India today is no longer the same as it was..

by Himani Verma / 11 Jan 2021 16:40 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 243

How can effective learning standards be implemented in the Indian education system?

Education in India today is no longer the same as it was before independence. Today's Indian education system has undergone a major metamorphosis, giving us many reasons to reflect and recreate this changing scenario. Still, there are some parts that need to be addressed in the Indian education system.

As Mahatma Gandhi says - Education simply means knowing the letters. It is simply an instrument and a tool that is well used and abused. The same tool that can be used to heal a patient can be used to kill their life, just like the knowledge of letters.

The same quote applied to the Indian education system. It's not just about helping students achieve their goals, it's about destroying the future of many students at the same time.

Problems with the Indian Education System

The current education system, unfortunately, presents the status of foreigners to millions of people with incredible potential but who do not expect unexpected challenges in the near future. Getting good grades isn't a problem, but grades that run your life are the real challenge. This defeats the entire purpose of education, which is to build and nurture, not destroy society. The Indian education system is more focused on testing knowledge at all levels. And it really destroys the quality of educational standards.

Our Indian education system has several problems that put stoppages in the path of children’s success in life. The biggest problem is the poor rating system. As a test, the students' intelligence is assessed on an academic basis. This is extremely unfair to students who are good overall but not good in certain subjects.

Plus, they're just trying to get good grades that don't pay attention to what is being taught. In other words, he is encouraging getting good grades from the attack and not really understanding the concept effectively.

You must have noticed; Indian education system pays more attention to theory. Only a small percentage is paid for practical work. Children are forced to learn things line by line that does not play an effective role in the real world. This practice surprised them when they entered the real world due to a lack of practical knowledge.

The Indian education system in particular does not place enough emphasis on the importance of sport and the arts. Students are encouraged to study when they never have time for other activities such as sports and the arts.

Here we are highlighting the important implementation that the government should take to achieve effective learning standards in the Indian Education System:

Initiative 1: Bringing the Problem to Light

Regular assessments are needed to measure learning progress and highlight the current level in a way that everyone can understand. India should regularly participate in international assessments such as the International Student Assessment Program and Trends in International Studies in Math and Science to set these goals and assess its progress. The quality of national evaluations should be improved and educational initiatives encouraged to provide external evaluators, e.g., B. Annual reports on educational attainment and regular feedback. The District Education Information System (DISE) 1 should be expanded into a "student progress tracking system" that records each child's level of learning and provides clinical data that can be used as a development foundation for schools and teachers.

Capacity building for teachers and school leaders

High-quality teacher education programs should be rolled out based on regular teacher needs assessments which determine individual teacher gaps/needs. Information and communication technologies should be used as a tool to offer many of these courses on demand.

Resources available in the National Directory of Open Educational Resources (and other open educational resources) should be moderated by experts to ensure that high-quality resources, including videos, teaching materials, and assessment questions, are available to each teacher. Rather than relying solely on government organizations like NCERT to produce all of this material, this work should be done through a “call for proposals” that allows talented individuals and organizations to participate and contribute.

Set up a reading mission

If by the age of nine we could get 80% of our children to read and write correctly in a language, we would have solved 80% of our educational problems. Reading needs to become a center of action and measurement and a movement in which everyone is involved. A national reading research center is more important to India than any Indian technology institute, and it's not that difficult to establish. Special training programs for developing and measuring reading skills should be established for teachers. Reading tests should be available on computers, tablets, and cell phones so parents can determine their children's reading level.

Introduce school-based practices to improve learning

These include initiatives such as monthly school tests with academic support from the State Council for Educational Research and Training (SCERT) or the District Institute for Research and Training in Education. Education (DIET), as well as quarterly parent-teacher meeting days that encourage parents to attend school and Building Parents - Teacher Connect focuses on student learning.

Investing in technology for education

Along with the educational research inherent in all of the above initiatives, there is a need to research and develop how technologies can be used to drive the change we want. The focus should not be on installing hardware, but rather on creating new, high-quality content such as smart teaching systems and tools for students to improve their basic skills such as reading and math and develop content in several Indian languages. ICT-based rehabilitation programs should be encouraged when the service provider is reimbursed based on the measured improvement of the students. ICT should also be used to monitor teacher attendance. Free high-speed internet connections can be made available to all schools through a simple system that the government uses directly to reimburse ISPs.

Work on mindsets through public awareness campaigns

Public awareness campaigns should target potential teachers to attract talent to the sector. with parents, to make them aware of what makes a good school, the value of education beyond grades, etc., and with existing teachers, to make them understand that every child can learn well when supported, etc.

If you have great ideas regarding the Indian Education System, do share with us in the comment section.

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