Home / Schools expect half of pupils will stay home as year groups return

Schools expect half of pupils will stay home as year groups return
UK is one of the country which closes their schools and other educational institute......

by / 06 Jul 2020 09:51 AM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 247

Image Courtesy : www.sfgate.com

UK is one of the country which closes their schools and other educational institute due to Covid-19 are about to open schools

uk closes their schools in the end of march month are about to reopen schools now after 2 & half month nearly half of their pupil all over the england will back to their schools in mid of june, nearly 1 million children will go back to school

UK has about toopen 18000 schools in june, but about half of their pupil of those who are expected to return when their classes reopen – are likely to stay at home on Monday rather than go back to school

as accourding to their constition schools will open in age groups of classes year 1 to 6

According to a survey conducted by the National Foundation for Educational Research, primary school leaders expect that 47% of families will keep their children home, with the proportion rising to 50% among pupils eligible to have free school meals.

In an effort to encourage Guardians to return their children to school, the education secretary, Gavin Williamson, said: “While there might be some nervousness, I want to reassure parents and teachers that the welfare of children and staff continues to be the heart of all of our considerations.”

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