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Career in Astronomy
Astronomy is a science to study celestial objects and their phenomena (their motions, forms, nature, conditions, effects and history)..

by / 24 Apr 2020 12:18 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 2077

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Astronomy is a science to study celestial objects and their phenomena (their motions, forms, nature, conditions, effects and history) for the students who wish to pursue their careers in this field. The students having graduation in Maths, Physics, and Engineering with specialization or Ph.D. in Astrophysics and Astronomy can apply for Research scientists for various research-oriented programs, University Faculty, or in Industries (after gaining the expertise in Computer Programming).

Astronomy can be studied as an M.Sc program in the Physics Dept. of any university or college. A student can also study Physics and Mathematics in graduation and then opt for Astronomy specialization. The Indian Institute of Astrophysics and Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics are some of the institutes to study M.Sc and Ph.D. programs.

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