Home / Germany's International Enrolments Improves Significantly For Winter 2022

Germany's International Enrolments Improves Significantly For Winter 2022
The Higher Education Institutions of Germany are reporting a significant spike in total international student numbers and in new international enrolments...

by Sukanya Prabhakar / 28 Jan 2022 13:39 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 349

The Higher Education Institutions of Germany are reporting a significant spike in total international student numbers and in new international enrolments for the upcoming Winter session of 2021-22.

The German Academic Exchange Service, or DAAD, reports that approx. 330,000 international students have enrolled at German colleges and universities for Art and Music programmes, as compared to the number 325,000 in Winter 2020/21). The number of new international students who have come to Germany and commencing their first semester this winter has also significantly increased to at least 72,000 up to 80,000 from 64,000 in winter 2020/ 21.

These numbers show that the total number of international students has increased by 2% to 8% as compared to the last session.

The universities are reporting this significant growth 'more than the expectation' before the commencement of the upcoming academic year.

These statistics are based on the survey of the DAAD Snapshot with responses from around 160 universities spread across Germany. Out of these universities, a total of 80% are delivering hybrid programmes to students.

The President Professor of DAAD Dr. Joybrato Mukherjee, during the press release, commented, "The survey of our member universities allows us to look forward to the new year with hope. These figures are a very good sign of the attractiveness of Germany as a place to study".

Out of ten, seven HEIs reported that the number of their international students have either remained stable at 40% or grown by 31%. Some important source markets have contributed extraordinarily to this growth trend, including Turkey, India, Iran, France, and Italy, whilst some sent fewer students such China, Cameroon, and Syria.

This remarkable surge in 1st-semester international students is especially due to students returning to non-degree programmes and exchange programs as these areas had taken a severe hit in the pandemic and travel restrictions.

The number of international students who are commencing the Master's programmes with German colleges universities has also spiked this winter.

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