As we already know that every people have right to education......

by / 25 Jul 2020 11:35 AM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 196

Image Courtesy : www.dnaindia.com

As we already know that every people have right to education. Inspite of that there are some children who belong to underprivileged family, forced their children to join labour. By this action, they get deprived by their right to education and also the loss of childhood.

Moving on, the authors get in contact with the children who are doing work at Dhabas near Aligarh Muslim.One of them is Asad, a 12 year old boy. He is working at the Nazim Dhaba from the last two years. He earns daily Rs100-120 per day. His daily work starts from 10 am sharp to 11:30 pm.His glowing eyes have a wish of going to school that the author analysed.

Like him,majority of children have wish to got to school. One of the young said that it is only possible if their owner let them go. For them, education is like a milestone which they want to achieve but they cannot because of the financial conditions.

According to the article 21-A of the Indian Constitution which shows that every young one must be given free education upto the age of 12.

In Aligarh, the condition of government schools are very poor. The knowledge of Education schemes are not given to the children. Hence, the children donot know about such schemes.

According to the survey, the dhaba owners are not following the rules and regulations. It is the duty of government that the school hours should not be compromised even if a child is working for his/ her family.

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