Home / 5th Grader Won 2020 Google For Doodle Contest

5th Grader Won 2020 Google For Doodle Contest
The fifth standard student, Sharon Sara who is studying in Vaughn Elementary School in Texas has ..

by / 24 Sep 2020 17:02 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 120

Image Courtesy: www.usatoday.com

The fifth standard student, Sharon Sara who is studying in Vaughn Elementary School in Texas, has won the 2020 Doodle for Google Contest. She has also won the college scholarship worth $30 thousand and her school will also be recieving a technology package worth $50 thousand from Google.

The Doodle titled "Together As One" made by Sharon Sara highlighted the importance of acceptance and inclusions. As per Sara, the Doodle was influenced by her personal encounters with friendship and her strong belief to expand kindness. "Kindness to me means to not look at someone from the outside, but to look at their personality and be open to their friendship," said Sara.

The Doodle prepared by Sara will only be seen by the Americal citizens only on the home page of Google.

As per the official statement released by Google, the 2020 Doodle contest was an outstanding achievement. Tens of thousands of entries were received by Google from students across the country responding to the prompt "I show kindness by..". Google also mentioned that the entries left them speechless with their talent empathy and articulation.

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