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Rethinking And Redesigning National Smart Education Strategy
The Commonwealth of Learning, or COL, in partnership with the UNESCO IITE (Institute for...

by / 04 Sep 2020 15:59 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 172

Image Courtesy : www.col.org

The Commonwealth of Learning, or COL, in partnership with the UNESCO IITE (Institute for Information Technologies in Education), BNU (Beijing Normal University), and ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), has launched a new project named Rethinking and Redesigning National Smart Education Strategy to recognize the important trends and issues of the future of education.

The project will also seek the solution of including the information and communication technology into education so that inclusive education could be ensured to promote quality education and learning opportunities.

The project was launched on August 20, 2020, at the Global Smart Education Conference 2020: AI and Futures of Education.

President and CEO of COL, Prof. Asha Kanwar, said, " Smart Education is about the 5 Es - education that is enjoying, efficient, engaging, ethical and effective. She also spoke about the role of Smart education and the comprehensive approach of the project.

The project will most probably be for five years or more and initially will focus on ICT policies in education, the technological foundation for smart education, standards of smart education at the national level, techniques and levels of the smart campuses.

The COL is an intergovernmental organization formed in 1987 by the Commonwealth Heads of Government to promote the sharing and development of open and distance education resources and knowledge.

For further details please visit col.org.

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