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World Environment Day 2021
Every year on June 05, World Environment Day is celebrated across the globe to raise awareness and provoke political encouragement around growing environmental concerns..

by Sukanya Prabhakar / 05 Jun 2021 12:26 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 1494

Every year on June 05, World Environment Day is celebrated across the globe to raise awareness and provoke political encouragement around growing environmental concerns like the ozone layer's depletion, toxic chemicals, global warming and desertification.

The first major conference to address the environmental issues, the Stockholm Conference was conducted from June 05 to June 16, 1972. The objective was to establish a common outlook to address the threats to preserve and enhance the human environment. On Dec 15, 1972, the General Assemble also adopted the resolution to create a specialized agency on environment issues i.e. UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme).

Ecosystem restoration means prevent, cease and reverse the damage - the journey from exploitation of nature towards healing. Every 03 seconds, the world eradicate enough forest to house a football pitch. Around 50% of coral reefs have already been lost and up to 90% could be lost by 2050.

Only with healthy ecosystems, the livelihood of the people can be enhanced, climate change can be counteracted and the collapse of biodiversity can be stopped. Restoring ecosystems carries considerable benefits. For every dollar spent in restoration, at the minimum $07 to $30 in returns can be expected for society. Restoration also helps in creating jobs in rural regions where they are most required.

The 2021 theme for World Environment Day is 'Reimagine. Recreate. Restore'.

On this Day, #GenerationRestoration movement is being organized by the United Nations. Join the movement through the official website because 'Every performance, no matter how small, matters'.

To know more about the day, visit World Environment Day.

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