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Cyber Security And Its Importance In Digital Education
Cyber Security has become one of the most needed in this digital era. With the increase in the use of digital networks and technology, the misuse has also..

by Himani Verma / 24 Feb 2021 17:59 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 2173

Cyber Security has become one of the most needed in this digital era. With the increase in the use of digital networks and technology, the misuse has also increased thus, increasing the possibility of cyber risks. With education moving from classrooms to the online mode, every student now has access to smartphones, PCs, and laptops with full network connectivity. If they are not properly aware of the uses of these gadgets and the consequences they will have to face if they misuse them, it can get dangerous. While digitizing education many institutions did not take proper cybersecurity measures to keep the student’s identity and data secured. These malpractices can have adverse effects on the students. They might get involved in the wrong places without even doing anything.

Increase in Cyber Use leads to Increased Cyber Crime:

Cyber Security has become the need of the hour with the increased use of technology. Microsoft Security Intelligence has surveyed and found out that the education industry accounted for 61% of the 7.7 million malware encounters in just 30 days. The Internet has drastically impacted the lives of people positively, but negative facts regarding the misuse of the Internet have also emerged. Cases like online fraud, racial abuse, cyberbullying, pornography and gambling are seen more frequently nowadays as people have started using internet services more often. People have started accessing the Internet daily now, they have started trusting the internet services but are unaware of the basics which can cause them harm. The young users of the internet, especially children are unaware and do not have self-mechanism which leads them to perform heinous deeds without even knowing.

Parents Should Make Children Aware of Cyber Security:

Young children these days who have easy access to devices with connectivity need to be educated to operate safely. They should be aware of the impending risks associated with being active in the cyber zones. Cybercrime against children and adolescents is always a concern for the parents as they do not realize when their child will become a victim of cybercrime. Children need to be equipped to defend themselves and take responsibility when faced with possible cyber threats. Teachers are sufficiently trained and up-to-date in their ability to promote critical understanding rather than restrictive approaches to cybersafety, as well as guiding students and parents in their use of the internet at home

Cyber Security in Schools and Colleges:

The various challenges schools and colleges are facing in implementing cyber secured education include lack of expertise, funding and resources. Thus it is still a luxury to afford a secured education system digitally. Teachers lack knowledge and expertise regarding cyberspace. Schools and government ministries may lack resources and facilities to implement cybersecurity education. The speed of technological change results in new risks, requiring new solutions. Teachers may face problems in developing their knowledge of the latest technology and thus ensuring students are safe. This is a major setback for teachers, as they lack access to learning materials and need to be diplomatic to technological changes. Early exposure and training students at schools should be promoted through cybersecurity seminars. The people who are exposed to and trained on cybersecurity are expected to be the country’s future source of cyber defence.

Addiction to Computer Games May Lead to Cybercrime:

Cybersecurity education is also needed to control addiction to computer games. This addiction to the cyber world certainly has a negative impact on kids. Teenagers spend a lot of time on computers and socialise through their appliances. Over time, a habit of online games cannot be avoided, and teenagers’ precious time is taken up by the usage of their gadgets. They stay awake late at night and spend time browsing the internet, which will worsen the situation and may even cause students to have health problems. These warnings and attacks can come in many aspects, and users are not always aware that they are being affected. It is therefore essential to educate and authorize users, especially children, on the safe and responsible use of online resources and platforms, to establish a culture of cybersafety. Keeping children updated and aware of what they are dealing with daily is very important.

Ways to Prevent Cyber Crime:

Teacher education courses must prepare them for pre-service teachers to design and teach cybersecurity topics and safe computing methods so that future generations will know what are the ethics of cyberspace, as well as to keep themselves careful and secure online. At their young age getting access to technology, the pre-service teachers are researched that they do not possess adequate cybersecurity knowledge, or the proficiency to teach the future students to keep themselves and their data safe from harm. This dispute the concept of digital citizens, as tech-savvy people would know what clues in the setting indicate that they are prudent and protected. Cyber Security awareness workshops are one of the best techniques that can promote cybersecurity education in school. The principles of cybersecurity understanding have been refined over years of research in the social setting, but they are largely ignored by professionals when they develop data security awareness programmes.

Final Words:

It is very essential to protect teenagers through cybersecurity education so that they can become aware of the possible dangers they might face while using the internet. Other communication tools, such as social media, chatting and online gaming might also be harmful unknowingly. There are several challenges to cybersecurity education some of which are even unknown to us. This includes the level of knowledge of teachers and the absence of expertise, funding and services. Working together to find the best approach to protect our children from cybercrime and cyberbullying through school-based cybersecurity education is very important for all interested stakeholders, including educators, parents, peers and the government. As such campaigns are more engaging and exciting for children to learn and understand, the media, such as television and radio, must also play an important role in educating kids through cybersecurity campaigns.

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