Home / Delhi University To Set Up Nanomedical Institute Soon For Research On Diseases

Delhi University To Set Up Nanomedical Institute Soon For Research On Diseases
Delhi University will soon establish an Institute of Nanomedical Sciences to aid research on diseases like cancer, diabetes, and sickle cell disease...

by Sukanya Prabhakar / 14 Dec 2021 10:38 AM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 279

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Delhi University will soon establish an Institute of Nanomedical Sciences to aid research on diseases like cancer, diabetes, and sickle cell disease.

The Executive Council (EC) will propose to set up the institute in the meeting scheduled to be held on Dec 17. The proposal has already been passed during a meeting of the Academic Council.

According to the documents, the Institute will be mission-oriented and will bring together researchers in computation, medicine, chemistry, and biology, from Delhi University, Wayne State School of Medicine, and medical schools across the national capital.

The document also states that the institute will also collaborate with public health experts and scientists to address medical issues across the globe.

The document also informs that governing body's members of the institute will include the Department of Science and Technology secretary, the DRDO secretary, Education Ministry secretaries, and Ministry of Health and Family Welfare secretaries, among others. The body will also include international experts from the area of nanomedicine.

An international advisory board will be constituted by the governing body to advise the institute on matters of special research. The members of the advisory board will include leaders in their streams, including 1-2 Nobel laureates.

A research advisory council will also be constituted by the governing body to help in research collaboration and getting funding for projects. The council members may be connected with organizations such as Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Tata Foundation, etc.

It also states, "Eminent experts in the field of nanomedicine and nanotechnology and allied fields can be appointed as distinguished professor and professor emeritus for life by the director/governing body".

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