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Education Is Both: The Victim And The Best Weapon
It's highly likely that you would have heard this quote earlier. Well, if you haven't, these wise words were..

by Himani Verma / 16 Nov 2020 10:14 AM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 233

It's highly likely that you would have heard this quote earlier. Well, if you haven't, these wise words were said by the legendary South African revolutionary Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela is one of the most famous persons in the world. He is mainly famous for his struggle for the abolishment of racism and apartheid. He was also the first colored president of South Africa.

Snippets About The Life Of Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was the most impactful personality in South Africa. He committed himself and dedicatedly worked for providing equal rights for the black community of South Africa. Racism and apartheid were at its peak, the colonials treated the native Africans worse than slaves. The condition of the society was non-conducive and needed staunch reforms. Nelson Mandela stood firmly against the oppressive properties enforced by the colonials and strived hard for the abolishment of apartheid.

What Message Does The Statement Want To Convey?

As all of us know, education has the power to bring revolutionary changes to the world. Education leads to innovation, education is the central axis around which the world revolves. Education is the only domain that leads us towards the light, which leads us to progress. The progress of the world will come to a halt without innovation and education. In recent times, precisely on 09 September 2020, the UN commemorated a day to protect education from being victimized by armed conflicts for the very first time.

How Can Education Change The World?

Education does not only include textbook learning. Yes, Science, Mathematics, and other school subjects are an essential part of education but it's a continuous process of evolving which is getting better with time. Education sculpts the thought process and acts as a guiding light, leading one in the right direction. Education eradicates unrighteous thoughts from the minds and inculcates moral values. Hence, educations make people more humane and society humanitarian. The thirst for education leads to curiosity which in turn leads to the innovation of newer fascinating things.

How Is Education Under Threat Of Being Victimized?

The world today is not a peaceful place. Numerous countries continue to remain in a state of war. There are conflicts over geographical borders, conflicts over religion, conflicts over caste, and other such differences. The UN believes that the children living in regions which do not facilitate a conducive environment for learning and educational activities also have the Right to Education. Their primary aim is to reach out to such underprivileged children and provide them with all the academic needs. Hence, the UN conducted a memorial event to spread awareness about the existence of such underprivileged children and make people realize that although they belong to the terrorist-prone region, they are merely innocent children and have an equal right to education as any other child.

How Is Education The Best Weapon?

When we think of weapons, we generally think of warfare, guns, grenades, militant machinery, so on. So, why is education called a weapon in this statement? Can Education kill people? Can Education hurt people? The answer is an obvious No! Education is a weapon that can be instrumental in abolishing social evils and contribute to the betterment of society. It can bring each individual, thereby acting as a medium by which the power of a nation is judged. Hence, education improves the overall stature of a nation! It is mightier than any other weapon created by man. It gives power to all, impartial towards their age, gender, color, caste, creed, or nationality. It converts the poor to rich and instills knowledge and wisdom in the ignorant. Education has the power to change lives for the better. A nation can only grow when its youth is educated and responsible. Education incorporates integrity and discipline into one's life, thereby improving their livelihood. It is, without doubt, the best weapon known to man.

Education As A Victim:

In present times, most of our population have either not received an apt and high-quality education, or don't have the resources to avail good education. This has brought adverse effects to society. With education, now as a source of revenue, industries have started targeting it as an asset. It has now become a money-making system. Because of this industrialization of education, millions of people cannot afford education anymore for their offspring. This has degraded the quality of education in society and has lowered the standards of literacy. education is now victim to corruption and degeneracy. Eventually, this will lead to the downfall of millions of people and nations as a whole.


Education is the sole factor for the growth of our country. It drives the youth of India towards the right path and brings prosperity to the future of our nation. As Rabindranath Tagore rightly wrote in his poem - "Where The Mind Is Without Fear", true freedom will only be achieved when the country provides complete education to every single student irrespective of caste, creed, gender, or background! Education is and always will be the driving factor for the development of a nation, and India is not an exception. The ideal education system in India would be at such a time where each person in India is satisfied with their livelihood and are thriving in the nation.

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