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RAKSHAK - A Health Assistant
To fight against the corona pandemic, a health assistant robot, named..

by / 03 Sep 2020 15:21 PM IST / 0 Comment(s) / 209

Image Courtesy : www.freepressjournal.in

To fight against the corona pandemic, a health assistant robot, named RAKSHAK, has been designed by the Indian Railways. This health assistant robot will act as an interface between doctor and patient.

The robot is capable of measuring the health parameters such as pulse, temperature, oxygen percentage etc. and can also provide the two-way video commune between the patient and the doctor. It can also deliver food, medicines to the patients. The robot can locomote in all directions at all levels up to 150 meters.

If fully charged, the robot can last up to 06 hours working continuously and can also carry a maximum of 10 kg weight. The robot works on WiFi and does not require mobile data.

RAKSHAK can also be operated with an Android mobile application.

Source: AIR

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